Shgardi Clone – An Ecosystem to Automate Your Traditional Business

shgardi clone app

It is no longer a secret that people these days want instant gratification for everything. Whether movies they watch, the music they enjoy, the games that they play, or food and groceries they order from a nearby store. This is probably the major factor behind the explosive growth of the on-demand delivery market globally, and Saudi Arabia is not left behind. The online delivery market keeps growing with time, and entrepreneurs are trying their fortune to become market leaders in no time. In this post, we will discuss the well-known delivery app, Shgardi and why investing in a Shgardi clone transforms your existing business in today’s connected and mobile-first world.

The doorstep delivery market is growing as customers’ affinity towards digital ordering keeps increasing with time. The pandemic has added more fuel to this market because customers fear visiting crowded places such as restaurants and stores to buy essentials.

It is predicted that the Saudi Arabian online food ordering market will grow by 10.15% between 2021-2026. From browsing digital menus to secured payment options to real-time tracking, online delivery apps draw people’s attention and encourage them to order more and more products and services.

Now without any ado, let’s shed some light on what Shgardi is and how embracing the Shgardi clone can help you expand your business horizon.

What is Shgardi Clone?

Shgardi clone is one of the advanced pre-built delivery scripts that comes with attractive features and allows customers to order food, groceries, medicines, and other essentials with ease. Shgardi clone consists of four powerful panels and apps that enable retailers and startups to start their online delivery business without any friction to earn more profits.

Fun Facts and Timeline of Shgardi

Based in Saudi Arabia, Shgardi is an online delivery service that allows customers to order food, grocery, and medicines from restaurants and stores in close proximity to them. Shgardi’s users can order food and other essentials through their website or mobile apps that are available on both Android and iOS platforms.

Brand Name: Shgardi
Founders: Abdulaziz Almoosa, Tarek Dahab
Year Founded: 2019
Headquarter: Ash Sharqiyah, Saudi Arabia
Area Served: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Customers: Currently serves more than 1 million customers
Drivers: 37,321 Shgardia (drivers in its network)
Products and Services: Food delivery, grocery delivery, and medicines delivery
Company’s Slogan: “Shgardi Delivers Anything”

  • Shgardi, a well-known online delivery startup, has successfully received colossal funding from Mad’a Investment Company.
  • CEO of Mad’s Investment Company, AI-Othaim, stated that “ We are eager to know about the company’s success to date and hoping this investment round will allow them to improve user experience and their operations beyond Saudi Arabia.”

How Shgardi Works and Allow People to Get Things at their Doorsteps

Want to order delicious food from a nearby restaurant? Want to have groceries for home or want to cheer up the mood with coffee? Get started with the Shgardi app, as it can deliver anything at your doorsteps. Now you must be excited to know how the Shgardi app works and ensure on-time doorstep delivery without owing any store or restaurant.

Here we will see the working flow of the Shgardi app from the customer’s point of view. However, it keeps connected stores, restaurants, and delivery providers (Shgardia) internally for faster and hassle-free delivery operations.

  • Customers can order anything through the website or application. Select the store or restaurant and enter the location details.
  • Add selected items to the cart; customers can also customize the order quantity and enter special instructions and make payment from the options given in the app.
  • After placing the order, stores or restaurants start preparing the order and assign a nearby delivery provider to hand over the package.
  • Customers can track all these movements and communicate with delivery providers in case they need any assistance.
  • The delivery provider arrives at the customer’s location, delivers the package, and asks them to make the payment if customers opted for the COD option.
  • Customers and delivery providers both rate the service and submit feedback.

Isn’t it a simple way to get products at doorsteps? Indeed, it is.

Shgardi Business Model: How the Company Forayed into the Delivery Business

The success of Shgardi lies in its robust business model. As we have seen earlier, Shgardi is an on-demand delivery app whose business model encircles different delivery services.

Customer Segments

Shgardi has a multi-sided business model, with three independent customer segments that are needed to carry out hassle-free delivery operations.

Consumers: Users who are working or intend to order online food from quality restaurants

Restaurants: Food outlets that lack an online platform but want to attract more customers

Delivery providers: Individuals who have their own vehicles and want to earn extra income by working part-time through order delivery

Value Proposition

Here we will go through what value Shgardi offers to different customers, stores, and delivery providers


  • Using an app or website, customers can order anything and get products delivered at their doorsteps.
  • Users can order food, medicine, groceries, and much more without stepping out.
  • During checkout, people are provided multiple swift and secured payment options
  • Users can schedule the order and rate the service based on experience

Stores or Restaurants

  • Stores and restaurants can expand their business operations
  • They get an online platform to sell their products
  • Perfect for restaurants that lack delivery providers

Delivery Providers (Shgardia)

  • Delivery providers receive order notifications on their smartphones
  • They can work flexibly and earn additional income
  • Delivery providers also receive a tip from happy customers

Revenue Model: How Does Shgardi Make Money?

Like any other on-demand business, the Shgardi revenue model is structured under a commission + delivery fee-based layout.

The following are the major channels that help Shgardi make huge revenue.

Commission on Orders

This is the major revenue source of Shgardi. The app takes a cut out of the order total from the particular restaurant or store. These commissions rate usually ranges between 10-20% of the order value.

Delivery Fees

If the customer’s location is away from the defined places, Shgardi charges standard delivery fees.

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Basically, Shgardi enjoys a good user base, so it helps restaurants and stores improve their discoverability by promoting their business. For that, the company charges a certain amount.

How Does Shgardi Clone App Ensure Your Business a Seamless Automation

These days, people are addicted to online solutions, whether they want to pay the bills, have food, or order groceries. Perhaps this is why the doorstep delivery business keeps growing, as it allows people to fulfill their quenches on the spot.

On the other hand, more and more entrepreneurs are taking a keen interest and want to have a Shgardi clone app for their business as it automates several tasks and enables them to reach a wider audience. Whether you are running a restaurant or occupied with a retail business, embracing digital solutions is a must.

No doubt, there are numerous on-demand delivery apps available in the market, but having your own customized app like Shgardi will enhance your business loyalty and help your business overgrow. Today, it seems like penetration of digital solutions have demonstrated to be a lifeline for businesses as it offers several benefits such as

  • Sales growth
  • Audience building
  • Automate business process
  • Foster customer loyalty
  • Competitive advantage

There are myriad reasons for investing in the Shgardi clone, so shake hands with an on-demand app development company and get your solution developed with cutting-edge technologies.

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App Like Shgardi?

Heading towards digitization, it’s very easy to satisfy hunger and get things done. All you need to pick up the phone and products will be delivered to your doorsteps. Online delivery apps literally have brought a revolution in the business landscape; with the help of modern technology solutions, people can order anything anywhere, anytime.

Well, to meet this kind of rising demand of customers, entrepreneurs are also making necessary changes in their existing business models and want to implement an app like Shgardi as it can simplify your business operations and bring forward your business beyond your imagination.

But business owners usually get confused while estimating the cost of making an app like Shgardi. To be honest, there is no accurate figure when it comes to cost because there are certain factors that come into play, such as

  • App platform
  • Design
  • Features and functionalities
  • Development team’s location
  • And the complexity of the app

The more features you want to integrate, the development cost would go higher. If you want to get a detailed quote with all the specifications, contact us without any hesitation, our team will help you enhance your delivery business with modern solutions.

Have a Shgardi clone script and Leg Up on Your Competition

It is really fascinating how businesses are going digital with each passing day in order to stay one step ahead in the competition. Many businesses are still using conventional tactics to run the business, but it won’t help you grow further. Therefore, get started with the Shgardi clone script as it enables you to resonate more with modern customers and offers you immense golden opportunities to keep your business afloat.

Having More than three years of experience, Nirav is an outreach expert at Elluminati Inc. Having a keen interest in communication, content, and digital marketing, he has worked with many brands and helped entrepreneurs to establish an online presence that drives their business forward.

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